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Let's book your experience!

For the most expedient booking service, please text or call to set your appointment. You can also use this form Here, but please allow for roughly 24 hours before expecting a response. Lastly, we’ll need to complete the Client Intake Form, so I can best serve you.

What happens now?

I’m ready to book with my experience, what happens now?

Finalizing booking;

First, thank you for reaching out through text, a message via this site’s built in contact forms or a phone call. I’m excited to serve you! I’ll respond back when I’m not in a session and confirm your desired time and date is available, or I’ll suggest another that might work if I’m booked. Once we’ve agreed on a time and date, I’ll confirm your selected experience and we’ll talk through any questions you might have as well as confirm the associated costs. Then I’ll need the address of your location.

The day of;

I’ll travel to you with everything needed to provide your massage experience. If you are located outside my normal travel area, I do require a 50% deposit a day prior to the appointment. Upon arrival, we’ll introduce ourselves, and I’ll begin to set up. This takes roughly 10 minutes and does not take away from the duration of the time you booked with me. I specifically mention it because sometimes my clients forget to add the time at the beginning and the end of the time together to allow me to setup and take down the table. I try to get things setup right away so the heated table can be at optimum temperature before we start. Next, we’ll talk through your intake form and make sure I’m aware of any specific areas you do or don’t want me to focus on. You can print the intake form from this site and give it to me then or email it to me beforehand, but either way, I will need it prior to being able to begin. Payment is due upon completion of our time together and I accept Venmo and cash. Lastly, and I hate that I have to say this; a glass of wine or such is fine before hand, but please, if you plan to indulge beyond that, let it chill for afterwards.

In the moment

Now that we are ready to start, I’ll step out of the room, let you get prepared and then come back and we’ll get started. If you have kids, calls, cats and the like, I understand they are all part of life, but please help me serve you well by minimizing interruptions so you can get the most out of your time of relaxation. If you do have animals, please secure them in another part of the space prior to my arrival. I love most pets, but not all of them love me and I’m here for you, not them. I’ve had well meaning clients decide not secure Mr. Mittens, only to have him jump up on the table and try to join in the massage himself. Unless you've chosen the No More Words modality, I'll be asking you from time to time how the pressure is. Please speak up and let me know if it needs to be adjusted or if I can do anything else to help you have a better experience. Lastly, gratuity is not part of the cost and is not expected. Referrals are excellent way to show your appreciation and let me know you are happy with your service. I look forward to helping you relax and find the stress release you have been needing and looking forward to!


It’s a good idea to allow yourself some time to slowly ease back into your day after we are done. I recommend drinking extra water to stay hydrated and to help you feel your best. Some say you need it to flush toxins released during the massage, and that may be accurate. I just know most my clients feel a bit parched and flush afterwards. Depending on the modality you’ve chosen, you may have some oil still on your body. I typically use a blend of natural oils including coconut, shea butter and others as needed. You can leave this on and allow it you moisturize your skin, or enjoy a soak in warm bath or rinse off in the shower to further relax. I encourage my clients not to rush back into the daily routine but rather simply enjoy the moments after we have finished. For those in demanding roles, don’t let these words cause you to hesitate to book with me. If we are meeting on a lunch break or you've carved out an hour or so and have to jump right back in, any momentary release is better than constant stress no matter how little time you have for yourself. I'll give you my best and see if we can't leave with you a satisfied sigh and some color in your cheeks.